Tag: Prepping
Prepper Diary: We Review our Options and Pick a Powerful Fence...
After evaluating a number of power augers, we decided to go with a powerful option to dig our 25 fence post holes.
Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report Shows Surprising Results
It's been five weeks since we first noted the average online cost for key prepping items, so we check back in to see the results. They may surprise you.
Texas Freeze Damage Assessment Continues: Time to do Your Own
As the amount of damage done to lives, livelihoods, houses, business and agriculture continue to climb in Texas, you may want to re-assess your preps.
Survival Diary February 24: We Make a Trip to the City
We made our first big shopping trip to the city in two months and it drove home the difference between living in big cities, small cities and rural areas.
After the Deep Freeze, we Experience the First Twinges of Spring
After a spate of cold days with temps dropping into the teens, we see the first signs of spring and we test our gravity-flow water system.
The Best Way Preppers Should Spend their Stimulus Check
As Congress creeps closer to yet another stimulus bill, Preppers may be in for a windfall. Here are our suggestions on how to spend it.
Prepper Diary February 21: Our Chicken Coop Plans Get Updated
We get some professional advice regarding our chicken coop design and garden layout.
Don’t Feed the Beast: Why You Should Take Going Galt to...
Are your hard-earned dollars supporting companies with positions you don't agree with? Don't feed the beast! Seek alternative companies and brands.
Prepper Diary February 17: We Make a Start on the Garden...
We venture out to fetch supplies for our future garden and load up the pick-up truck with fence posts and welded wire fencing.
Bitter Cold Temps, Power Outages, Gas Shortages and How to Prepare...
Thanks to regulators and green energy policy, we can no longer supply enough power to meet peak demand for electricity and natural gas.