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Stacks of different calibers and brands of ammunition

Ammo Price Inflation and Revisiting How Many Rounds You Should Store

Ammunition prices have jumped 300 to 500 percent in the past 18 or 24 months, making it harder to stock up. Here's the best way for new preppers to proceed.
Various batteries waiting on my bathroom sink to be charged

Prepper Diary January 28: Time to Charge the Batteries

A search through our stock of radios leads to a marathon battery recharging session.
Clingmans Dome in the Smokey Mountains

Prepper Diary January 27: All Roads Lead to Inflation

We hit the road for a brief journey and found gas has risen 36 cents a gallon in the past 4 weeks. That's about 20 percent.
The dollar's buying power is being eroded by inflation.

Introducing the Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report

We can all feel the pinch of inflation in our pocketbooks, but how can we measure it? The Prepper Shopping Basket Inflation Report will track inflation for goods preppers buy.
A good sized fixed blade knife. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

Prepper Diary January 24: Trying to Identify the Best Way to...

Carrying a sheath knife is pretty straight forward, but carrying a pistol and a fixed blade knife on your belt complicates things.
Plastic Shelving Units

Prepper Diary January 23: It’s like Christmas all Over Again

The snow has cleared enough that we can make our way into town and finds good news waiting for us at the post office.
My copies of Patriots by James Wesley, Rawles

Book “Patriots” Holds Up Well More than Two Decades Later

I started re-reading Patriots yesterday and I am impressed at how well it holds decades later. Its predictions of an economic collapse seem like they could happen this year.
Unintended Consequences by John Ross

Four Books Preppers Should Read in 2021

Exercise your mind, read a book, preferably one of these four. They cover a diverse range of topics of interest to the prepper and may just change your world view.
The earth seen from space at night. Image from Pixabay.

We Look at the Big Picture as the U.S. Exceeds 400,000...

As the U.S hits a major milestone, we step back and look at COVID-19 in comparison to past disasters, potential future disasters, and even post-apocalyptic fiction.
Some of the many prepper websites out there

How to Visit Prepping and Other Websites Without Leaving Tracks

We have the First Amendment right to free speech, but it also appears that we have the thought police straight from George Orwell's 1984. Take some steps to protect yourself.