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Yearly Archives: 2021
Three Million Dead as COVID-19 Continues to Spread
Even as COVID-19 cases in the U.S. stabilize, hotspots around the world see new cases jump by 10 percent.
Prepper Diary April 18: Spring Means We Get Busy
The weather cannot make up its mind: Warm one day, chilly the next. We get some work done but keep the fire lit at night for warmth.
A New Beekeepers Guide to Feeding Your Bees
You would not think twice about feeding your chickens, your goats, your pigs, and other livestock. Feeding your bees is important for hive health and honey production.
A New Beekeeper’s Guide to Setting Up Your First Beehive
Are you a new beekeeper? Congratulations! Let's get your new hive set up and ready before your bees arrive.
Clearing Out our Survival Retreat and a Look at What We...
Ever wonder what a prepper stores at their survival retreat? We visited our retreat and here's a look at the supplies we cached there.
COVID-19 Ticks Upward in U.S. Is a New Wave Starting?
The bad news is that COVID-19 infections are once again rising int he U.S. The good news is that they are rising very slowly.
A Slight Change of Plans
I’ve posted 465 times since this blog was founded in March 2020, and haven’t missed a day since November. That could change in the near...
How to Avoid Losing Your Authentic Self and Getting Carried Away
Did you leave the rat race only to find you moved it to your backyard? I see this in YouTube creators who drift away from their authentic selves in pursuit of subscribers and the all mighty dollar. Avoid this trap and get back to your roots.
The Best Time to Start Stocking up on Firewood
The winter is almost over and we have not used our wood stove for a week, but that doesn't stop the firewood deliveries.
So You Want to Raise Bees: What are your Objectives?
Many homesteaders and preppers raise bees. Are they right for you? What are possible objectives for raising bees? What are the start-up costs?