The Pickled Prepper
Framing of the 12'x4' rear wall is complete.

Warm Weather Allows us to Make Excellent Progress on our Chicken...

Back to the grind stone--or should I say nail gun? Warm, dry weather allowed me to get back into the field and work on framing the chicken coop.
A corner H-brace

Outdoor Work Resumes as the Weather Warms Again

Warm, dry weather means its time to work outdoors, so we recently picked up where we had left off with the garden fencing project.
Honey bees. Image by Terri Sharp from Pixabay.

Picking the Best Breeds for our Bee and Chick Orders

As spring comes closer, we order our bee hive, bees, and chicks. It was a learning experience but we will plan better next year.
A raised garden bed growing herbs and leafy greens. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

Prepping vs Homesteading

Homesteader and preppers probably have more in common than we think, and there is often some overlap between the two lifestyles.