The Pickled Prepper
A Russian missile

Is Putin Losing the War, or is it Just Wishful Thinking?

The mainstream media would have you believe Russia is losing the war, but now they have doubled down and are again threatening to use nukes.
An empty soup shelf from May 2020

When they say “Empty Shelves,” they mean “Food Shortages”

"Empty shelves" is a trending topic, but why don't they just come out and say we have a food shortage? Stock up or risk going hungry.
The capitol in Washington

Don’t Let The Man Keep you Down

Sometimes the best thing you can do is resist those in charge and their agenda. Start with passive resistance. Here's how.
Lobster Roll vs Beef Empanada

Layoffs are Already Happening as Economy Sinks

Layoffs are happening on the local and national level, energy prices are rising, and consumers are cutting back on spending.
Shoppers at a farmers' market

We Met Some of our Neighbors Who are Preppers

When you meet fellow preppers, do you tell them you are preppers? Or do you prefer to say nothing and let them wonder?
A tropical island retreat. Photo by Pablo García Saldaña on Unsplash.

You Don’t have to be Rich to Escape to an Island

The wealthy may have their tropical islands, missile silo condos, ammunition bunkers and other escape plans, but you can you can prep on far less.
Dried goods for your prepper pantry. Photo by Aaron Doucett on Unsplash.

Why Inventory Management is important for Preppers

If you're stocking up for the unknown, a good inventory system will let you know what you have, what you need, and help you shop wisely.
Bees on a frame

A New, Local Queen and Bees to Strengthen our Hive

When we went to pick up the bee hive components I had ordered, we found a source for local queens and bees to help our hive start off strong.
Honey from the spring and summer

How to add Calories to your Long Term Storage Plan

Storing food is critical to survival, but raising your own food can provide critical calories and help extend the life of your food storage.
A row of shotguns in a store

Buy Guns Now to Avoid the Run

The clamor for gun control is rising in state capitals and the White House. Better stock up on guns and ammo before the bank run turns into a gun run.