The Pickled Prepper
A field of wheat being harvested

The Top 10 Things to Buy Before the Election

There are many predictions of difficult times ahead. Here's our list of the top 10 things you may want to buy before the election.
A raised garden bed growing herbs and leafy greens. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

Prepping vs Homesteading

Homesteader and preppers probably have more in common than we think, and there is often some overlap between the two lifestyles.
A cabin or retreat in the mountains

Prepper Diary July 8: A Retreat Visit

Our daughter visited the family retreat or bug out location without us for the first time. It was a learning experience for all involved.

Preppers Need to Go Beyond Planning and Build Skills

Preppers plan and prepare, but that's just the first step. Training and practice are necessary to build skills and gain experience.
Plenty of meat at Costco

Prepper’s Diary June 26: Costco is Back to Normal

Four months after panic buying stripped stores of paper products and shelf-stable foods, we found our local Costco was back to normal or even better than it was prior to the coronavirus outbreak.
A doctor's stethoscope. Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

Why We Flattened the Curve

Flattening the curve worked; it bought us time to understand COVID-19 and to better understand how to treat it. Don't let the higher numbers panic you.
The B52 Stratofortress. Photo by Tech. Sgt. Emerson Nuñez.

This is what Happens when America is Perceived as Weak

When our foes think the United States is distracted by internal problems, they tend to act out and rattle their sabers looking for an opportunity.
Fighter jet

Global Hot Spots and Bad Economic News Spark Concerns

War drums boom, coronavirus outbreaks bloom, and food shortages loom. There's plenty of things for a prepper to worry about.
peaceful protesters in Minneapolis

Riots During an Epidemic

There are risks associated with protesting during an epidemic as crowds and shouting can increase the spread, but participants would probably point out the risks associated with doing nothing in the face of injustice.
Coins spill from a jar. Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

The Economic Repercussions of Coronavirus

The initial surge of reopening excitement feels good, but the economic repercussions of the coronavirus are going to be tough to shake off.