How to Visit Prepping and Other Websites Without Leaving Tracks
We have the First Amendment right to free speech, but it also appears that we have the thought police straight from George Orwell's 1984. Take some steps to protect yourself.
Rising Prices Show Inflation is Already Here and How to Protect...
Meat prices were up significantly in 2020, possibly an early indicator that inflation lies ahead. Take steps now to prepare yourself and your wallet.
Prepper Diary January 12: How to be Prepared When you...
As the snow sets in again, we prep our vehicles to help us stay warm and well fed if we are stranded or need to walk home.
Prepper Diary January 10: It’s Official, I bought a Suppressor
I pull the trigger on buying a suppressor. See the full details on what I bought, where, and why.
Prepper Diary January 8: I Decide to Buy a Suppressor
Like muscles, your rights deteriorate if not exercised, so in light of yesterday's events, I decided to do my part for freedom by buying a suppressor.
Prepper Diary January 3: Sharp Knives are a Must; Cutlery for...
Knives are one of mankind's earliest tools and are still useful toda. They belong in every prepper's kit. Just make sure yours is sharp.
What Survivors Will Need to do After the SHTF
If you are lucky enough to survive the SHTF disaster that destroys society and our way of life, you will need these skills to stay alive.
Product Review: What’s Better, Beef Jerky or Biltong?
When it comes to dried meat, jerky is an American stable. But how does it compare to biltong, the favorite snack food of South Africans?
The COVID Collapse is Coming – Prepare Now
COVID-19 is doing lasting damage to our country and our economy. In this post, we explore the lasting effects and what you can do to prepare yourself.
Prepper Diary December 14: Struggling to Stay Warm Without Overheating
With a wood stove, its easy to male the room too hot, but that is probably better than being too cold. We struggle to find the sweet spot.