The Pickled Prepper
Mountain Sunset

Picking the Best Solar Power Inverter

The inverter is both the heart and the brains of your solar power system, so you need to carefully consider what type you need, how much power it can handle, and what your budget can afford
Honey Badger AR pistol

BATFE Fires Warning Shot at Pistol Arm Braces

The BATFE sends a warning shot across the bows of everyone who makes or owns AR pistols and other firearms that us an arm brace.
Dr Pepper sign

2020 is the Year of the Prepper — It’s Not too...

In the 1980s, everyone wanted to be a pepper. In 2020, everyone wants to be a prepper. We give you five easy steps to get started
Solar Panels

More Solar Power Considerations for Preppers

Selecting a solar power installation is not a simple choice. You need to consider the type of system, the best battery to use, and the size and type of solar panel
solar panels on a roof. Photo by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay.

How to Decide if You Should Invest in Solar Power

Every prepper should consider solar power at some point in the prepper journey. We assess where we stand and start making some decisions.
Car driving towards the mountains

What we Expect People Bugging Out to Bring

After evaluating our preps, we sent family and prepper friends a list of what they should bring if they bug out to our place.
Laundry on a clothesline

October 3: The Best Clothing for Preppers

Preppers talk about food, water and shelter, but often forget that clothing is a key part of shelter. What should you wear after the SHTF?
storage foods in buckets

Prepper Diary October 2: How to Build Your Food Storage Over...

We have buckets of long-term storage food. We have cans of dehydrated food. But we didn't build up this supply overnight. Live the prepper life and you can build up your supplies as well.
A concealed carry pistol in a holster

Concealed Carry Challenges in an Era of Protests

With the increase of hate, anger, and violence, it may be time to reconsider your concealed carry decisions, including what you carry and how you would react under certain circumstances.
A wave kicked up by a storm

September 25: Why you Need to Prepare for the Next COVID-19...

As the U.S. passes 7 million cases of COVID-19, the end is nowhere near. Prepare now for another wave this winter.