June 10 Coronavirus Report: Hospitalizations Rise

posters on a wall reading "Who will survive in America?" Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash.
posters on a wall reading "Who will survive in America?" Photo by LOGAN WEAVER on Unsplash.

Although cases of coronavirus were again under 20,000 for the U.S., more than 10 states reported a record number of new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to increase in places like Texas, California, and the Carolinas.  (Many experts think hospitalizations are a better measure of COVID-19 danger than cases counts as they count the sickest people and not the minor cases, which tend to increase as you test more people.)

Recently, Dr. Birx has warned about the potential spread caused by protests while Dr. Fauci has reminded us that COVID-19 “isn’t over yet.”  He believes only a vaccine can bring an end to the coronavirus pandemic.

With the Memorial Day holiday, the reopenings, the protests and now New York reopening, we should probably expect the curve to flatten and possibly start bending upwards again. 

Looks like those doctors in Italy who cannot find the virus, which we mentioned yesterday, should pay a visit to the U.S. It appears to be alive and well.

Latest Numbers

The U.S. has reported 19,500 new cases of coronavirus overnight, an increase of 1 percent.  This brings the total number of cases to 1,990,100, meaning we will hit the 2 million mark sometime today as new data pours in.  Deaths climbed almost 1,300 to 112,174.

Globally, cases increased 120,000 in the past 24 hours, or about 1.7 percent, to 7.271 million.  Deaths attributed to COVID-19 increased 4,711 to 412,013.