As the Shutdowns Draw to a Close, Traffic and Crime Rises
Shutting down the country to prevent the spread of COVID-19 had plenty of unintended consequences, from the economic to mental health. Reopening may have consequences, too.
Spring Shows Up For a Few Days, the Tease
The yellow blooms of forsythia in the valley below us herald the coming of spring, but our mountain locations keeps it at bay.
Planning, Flooring and Framing Out our Chicken Coop
Framing a simply structure like our chicken coop sounds easy, but it is also an easy way to introduce all kinds of errors. Proper planning helps keep it square, plumb and true.
Two Actions Today Moved the World a Step Closer to War
It's all well and good to prepare for natural disasters and an economic collapse, but war is a constant in our history. Don't neglect to prepare for it.
Social Media is Killing us Softly; How to Limited Your Risk
After three months, I dip my toe back into the social media stream and I remember why I left: social media is a big part of what is wrong with society.
Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
If we didn't expect something bad to happen, we wouldn't prep. What you prepare for and how you prepare are critical to your success.
A Thump in the Night and I Grab my Shockwave
What do you reach for when you hear a loud noise in the middle of the night? The phone? Your rifle? I reached for my Mossberg Shockwave because it was handy.
A Quick and Easy Way to Add Important Macronutrients to Your...
Many long term storage foods leaving you short of important macronutrients because they are carb-heavy and starch-based.
A New, Local Queen and Bees to Strengthen our Hive
When we went to pick up the bee hive components I had ordered, we found a source for local queens and bees to help our hive start off strong.
All About Inflation and How to Protect Yourself
The main stream media doesn't cover it outside the financial pages, but inflation is coming. Here's what it means to you and how preppers have a leg up when it comes to surviving inflation.