The Pickled Prepper
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Tag: Drought

The national Weather Services predicts a hooter-than-normal summer for much of the U.S.

The Heat is On for Much of the U.S.

The national Weather Services predicts a hooter-than-normal summer for much of the U.S.
Drought Monitor map

Lack of Rain in Corn Belt Threatens Crops

The drought monitor map released 6/22/23 shows that California is no longer facing drought conditions, but the Midwest is.
A dry lake bed

California Drought may be Ending with a Gurgle

A atmospheric river is pouring rain and snow into California for the next few days. While this may hep the drought, it will also cause flooding.

The West Runs Out of Water as Colorado River Dwindles

The Colorado River, which provides water to tens of millions of people in the west, is running out of water. California and Arizona may be hit the worst.
Brown crops in a dry field.

Europe is Facing its Worst Drought in at Least 500 Years

Europe's drought is affecting crop yields, hyrdropower generation and inland shipping.
Average annual perciptation

It May be Time to Move

If you live in Southern California or in any of the states that draw water from the Colorado River, you might want to move before it is too late.
A frost free water hydrant commonly used on farms and homesteads.

California Orders Thousands of Farmers and Cities to Stop Pumping Water

California regulators ordered thousands of large users of water to stop using water from the Sacramento and San Joquin rivers and watershed.
A sugar bowl

It’s More than Just the War Causing Food Shortages

Long-time readers may recall stories we published in 2021 about the drought on the West Coast, which was recently called the worst drought in...

Prepper News Update August 27

Large Food Suppliers Running out of Stock in U.S. Companies like Sysco, which supply the restaurant and institutional food market, are experiencing problems with sourcing...

Prepper News Update August 16

Tyson to Raise Prices on September 5 While most of American is enjoying one last long weekend at the beach or in the backyard with...